The Internet Has Spoken

We did a risky move and decided to let the internet name our new business.  Well, we told them we would pick a name in the top 5 names.  I mean this is the internet, you have to put some limits or the name would probably be Boaty Mcboat Face.  So what were the top five names you ask.....
  1. Not A Wasp Farm
  2. 2 Bees or not 2 Bees (which we shortened)
  3. Goldenglow Estates
  4. The Birds and The Bees
  5. Let It Bee
Though I feel like a few should have honorable mention such as;

Arkham Beesylum for the Criminally Insane (I had visions of my husband running around saying "I'm Beeman!")
Honey McBee Face
Petting Zoo For The Brave
Hivey McHiveface
Bee Team

I feel like you all deseve a round of applause.   In fact I am sitting in my living room clapping all by myself for you all.  Well, this feels awkward...

So why are we starting a farm?  This is nothing like our other businesses.  We felt that with this business we wanted to do something really positive.  We are creating a completely self sustaining farm using green materials.  We are trying to tackle two of the biggest issues facing the planet, our declining bee population along with food shortages.  So we plan to set up an Apiary along with draught tolerant plants.  We will be documenting every step of the way.

We are really excited about this project!  Please stay tuned for more updates and future naming projects.  Please let us know if you would like to help out.

If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe than man would only have four years of life left.
- Albert Einstein


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